In Sarajevo, from 29-31 October, the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) partnered with the Bosnian Armed Forces and the Centre for Security Studies to organize an Advanced Security Sector Reform (SSR) course. The course was a continuation of the first introductory SSR course held in February 2013. The advanced course was designed to familiarize security stakeholders with a whole-of-government approach towards SSR
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Tag | Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina: SSR and EU Accession
By: Anni Buelles | Tuesday, November 19th, 2013The military’s role in post-conflict law enforcement: DCAF report on Bosnia and Kosovo
By: Jesse Hembruff | Friday, May 28th, 2010Military support is necessary—but not sufficient—to win the fight against organized crime in post-conflict states, according to a recent report by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces. The report questions the role of the military in law enforcement and aims to fill an empirical knowledge gap in SSR by examining the
Bosnia-Herzegovina clears hurdle on path to NATO membership
By: Laura Holland | Wednesday, May 5th, 2010Following a foreign ministers’ meeting in late April, NATO has agreed to grant Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) a membership action plan (MAP), which will help the country in its bid to join the treaty organization and the European Union. According the US State Department, “The MAP process, which can take several years, involves several stages of political