The US Navy SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound on May 2, 2011 brought into question the Pakistani army’s domination over nearly all aspects of the state. Pakistanis wondered how these events could have occurred right under the nose of the military. The latest SSR Issue Paper examines the prospects for security sector governance
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SSR Issue Paper: Security Sector Governance in Pakistan: Progress, But Many Challenges Persist
By: Geoff Burt | Friday, January 13th, 2012Report: Pakistan’s Police between Centralization and Devolution
By: Jesse Hembruff | Friday, August 20th, 2010A key component of President Obama’s counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan has been the “civilianizing” of conflict. In Afghanistan, this is to take the form of a “civilian surge,” and in neighbouring Pakistan, it is to be implemented as part of the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act. The bill mandates support for police professionalization and is