Publication Announcement – eSeminar Summary No. 4: “Is Peacebuilding Dying?” By: SSR Resource Centre | Publications | Jun 23, 2015

eSeminar Summary No. 4 - Peacebuilding_FrontPage2The Centre for Security Governance has just published eSeminar Summary No. 4 on “Is Peacebuilding Dying?” following its eSeminar event that took place on January 28, 2015.

This short report summarizes the presentations of all three panelists, synthesizes their main conclusions, and explores some of the issues discussed during the event.

The Centre for Security Governance (CSG), Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA), and Wilfrid Laurier University Global Studies department (WLU) are hosting a series of eight online seminars focusing on the theme of “Contemporary Debates on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding.”. This eSeminar is the first in this new series.

The eSeminar Summary can be accessed here.



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