Police reform vital for enforcing POCSO Act
In India, the former Director General and Inspector General of Police has called for wide-ranging departmental reforms of the police in order to more efficiently enforce the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act passed in the country one year ago - Express News Service
Central African Republic launches program to collect unauthorized weapons, curb crime
A disarmament program has been launched in Central African Republic that will target both civilians and Seleka rebels bearing weapons outside of the authorized security zones. The program is to last a period of ten days - Jose Richard Pouambi, Associated Press
Mexico’s Attorney General Briefs Woodrow Wilson Center Audience on Judicial Reform
Attorney General Jésus Murillo Karam provided an update on the judicial reforms in Mexico that were approved in 2008. Reforms were undertaken in response to the growth of organized drug crime and questionable police practices - Andres Rodriguez, InfoZine
Morocco outlines ambitious judicial reform plan
The Islamist-led government of Morocco revealed its plans to reform the oft-criticized judicial sector, notorious for corruption and politicization. Reforms will aim to train and enforce higher standards for judges and prosecutors and target key areas like the penal code and the courts - Smail Bellaoualli and Paul Schemm, Associated Press
Africa: Children in Armed Conflict Abused and Exploited, Report Says
A report released by the UN Special Representative to the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict states that children suffer the most in armed conflict. The report reveals the conditions experienced by children in conflict and the startling numbers of those involved in armed groups in countries like Somalia, the Philippines, Yemen and Chad - Lisa Schlein, Voice of America
BiH,Montenegro And Serbia Sign Statement On Security Cooperation
The Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) Minister of Security Fahrudin Radoncic, the Serbian Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ivica Dacic, and the Montenegrin Interior Minister Rasko Konjevic signed the Statement on cooperation in the security sector in Sarajevo on Friday. The agreement is meant to strengthen regional cooperation in fighting terrorism and organized crime, as well as contribute to their EU integration process - InSerbia
Security Governance Group
Somalia: The New Deal and Non-State Security Actors
Security Governance Group Project Manager, Matthew Redding discusses the ‘New Deal for Somalia’ Conference taking place in Brussels. He outlines the importance of incorporating non-state security providers and civil society into the New Deal process - Matthew Redding
Ukraine’s SSR: Halting Progress
Joe Derdzinski, member of the Security Governance Group’s Expert Roster and Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Colorado discusses his latest work with DCAF and the Almanac for Security Sector Governance in Ukraine, 2012. He asserts that Ukraine’s experiences with SSR have broader lessons for the policy and practice of security sector governance - Joe Derdzinski
Introducing the Global Online Counter Child Trafficking Conference
From October 16-18, the Security Governance Group will facilitate the first Global Online Counter Child Trafficking Conference (CCTC), which will bring together a global community of individuals and organizations that are working to counter the illegal trafficking and exploitation of children - Chris Bordeleau
Rule of Law – the Will of the People?
This month’s issue of the United Nations Association –United Kingdom’s New World publication focuses on the rule of law and its intersection with themes like peace and security, development and human rights - United Nations Association - United Kingdom
Violence Reshapes Egypt’s Politics
Dina Rashed discusses the mounting violence between security forces and Islamist militants in Egypt. She argues that these circumstances are leading to a securitization of politics that makes important security sector reforms more difficult - Dina Rashed, Foreign Policy
How to avoid bad appointments of South Africa’s Criminal Justice System
Given the recent spate of questionable appointments and subsequent purges of personnel deemed unfit or too corrupt for the job, this article outlines the need for a more transparent and accountable method of making appointments to the criminal justice agencies in South Africa - Hamadziripi Tamukamoyo and Gareth Newham, ISS Africa
Thailand: Failure to ensure justice in the South fuels reprisals
The animosity caused by the failure of the Malay government to prosecute those responsible for killings linked to the security forces has generated anger and resentment amongst the Muslim community. This HRW report calls for an end to impunity for security forces to prevent an escalation in violence through reprisals - Brad Adams, Human Rights Watch
This article provides an overview of the origins of the community policing concept, its application in Liberia’s post-conflict rebuilding process and calls for a renewed focus on community policing as a means to improve police relations with the public - The Inquirer
In November, USIP is offering a course on ‘Policing and Public Security’ that seeks to make clear the importance of police reform in post-conflict settings and provides the tools and expertise to support the transformation of key institutions - United States Institute of Peace
Transforming the Police and Military Forces
USIP is offering a course on military and police reform to teach field-tested methods for developing the capacity of the security sector and its oversight bodies. The course will be guided by experts and delivered through a series of simulations and exercises - United States Institute of Peace